

a medicine used to treat acne, with benzoyl peroxide as it active ingredient
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Nagai, "E-73, an acetoxyl analogue of cycloheximide, blocks the tumor necrosis factor-induced NF-[kappa]B signaling pathway," Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, vol.
The remaining new band at 1380 [cm.sup.-1] is assignable to the symmetric bending mode of acetoxyl methyl group linked to the Si element, Si-O-CO-C[H.sub.3] (13).
Correspondingly, the spectrum also showed a marked growth in the peak at 1380 [cm.sup.-1], attributed to the formation of acetoxyl methyl group, while the prominence of the amide-related peaks remained unchanged.
The two remaining reactions occurred between Ce acetate and the amine or silanol groups within APST, leading to the formation of the acetamide and acetoxyl methyl moieties as the end reaction products in the polypropylsiloxane network; meanwhile, the Ce hydroxide derivative was introduced into this polymer.
In other words, the remaining APST monomers might have reacted with the Ce acetate to form the propylsilane structure containing the acetamide and acetoxyl methyl groups, which possess greater thermal stability than does APST.
The APST remnants favorably reacted with Ce acetate to form water-insoluble acetoxyl methyl- and acetamide-linked propylsilane compounds.
(16) Relating this finding to the chemical structure of PAAMPS illustrated earlier, it is possible to assume that among these carbon-associated bonds, three bonds, C-H, C-N, and C=O, belong to the acetamide moiety, and that three bonds, C-H, C=O, and -COO, are associated with the acetoxyl methyl moiety linked to Si.
Lemieux also continued studies of the anomeric effect, a term which he introduced in 1958 to describe the effect responsible for an electronegative substituent such as chlorine or acetoxyl at an anomeric centre preferring an axial to an equatorial orientation.
Previous studies using esterase inhibitors also found that the acetoxyl groups in ACA were subjected to acetate elimination through hydrolyzation by intracellular esterase activity in order to maintain its retention within the cell (Murakami et al.
Introduction of a hydroxyl group into anthecotulide structure at C-4 position causes a substantial increase in the antiparasitic activity, whereas an acetoxyl substitution at the same position reduces or completely abolishes the biological activity.
However, leishmanicidal potency of 4 was much higher than that of 5, which contains an acetoxyl function at C-8 position on the aglycone.
From the NMR spectra, five ester residues could be identified as: three acetoxyls, one isobutyryloxyl group and one nicotinoyloxyl moiety.