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resembling, like, or characteristic of a zombie
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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A Stirling man was spotted at the wheel of car in a 'zombielike' state and driving the vehicle at speed in residential streets, mounting pavements and swerving across roads.
Larry Cohen's bizarre satirical horror film 'The Stuff' debuted in 1985 and features a substance that oozes and turns normal people into zombielike creatures.
The narrative is to an extent predicated to the Netflix offering Leila, a in which a Dr Joshi uses unquestioning adoration as an armour for himself to turn his people into zombielike and obedient non-cerebral slaves.
Liberty, then, can be of benefit to imperfect human beings living in less than perfect societies as a means to correct false or only partially correct opinions or as a way of escaping subscription to true beliefs in a zombielike fashion.
Both economies are typified by a strong export-oriented industrial sector, a current-account surplus, similar terms of trade, terrible demographics and, following years of imprudent lending, zombielike banks.
As in Shaun of the Dead, in 1 Am a Hero the characters' mindless repetition of meaningless phrases from their previous lives drives home just how zombielike their previous lives were.
Filmed in her harshest light at her most unforgiving angles, Kidman does her best to invest Erin with layers, despite the bloodshot, zombielike makeup and prosthetics that threaten to overwhelm her carefully tuned performance.
Plus, it has a drawback: a small proportion of people who take Morphenox emerge from hibernation as zombielike creatures that eat anything - and anyone - in sight.
One issue which has drawn attention to Wrexham in recent years is the use of new psychoactive substances such as Spice, after pictures of people in zombielike states in the town appeared in the national press.
Accordingly, this book is somewhat dark, as Lula accidentally traps the god of Death and dooms the crash victims to a zombielike, half-living state.
(22) The media reported 33 people with "zombielike" behavior in Brooklyn in July 2016.