
(redirected from quadrati)
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Related to quadrati: quadratic equation


1. (Anatomy) anatomy zoology any of various muscles that are more or less square in shape
2. (Zoology) anatomy zoology any of various muscles that are more or less square in shape
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


n. L. quadratus.
1. músculo de cuatro lados;
2. figura de cuatro lados.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
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protactor pterygoideus et quadrati (Prptq) (Figure 2) takes origin by from ventrally oriented fleshy fibers in the caudoventral region of the orbit, on the dorsal lamina.
Quadrati cbe si muovono (Elastic Space: Moving Squares), 1967, which comprises two hanging steel cubes rigged to collapse and expand before one's eyes, producing a similar kinesthetic churn, as well as a handful of gridded white panels from 1974.
Quadrati che si muovono" (1967), two steel cube-frames that moved and shifted jerkily with the simple force of what the information card called "electromechanical animation," but which to me sounded like a soft horror symphony played on quiet, un-tuned violins.
Le superfici articolari dei maschi sono mediamente piu estese di quelle delle femmine: 197 millimetri quadrati dei maschi contro 160 delle femmine di media per la superficie del trapezio e 239 millimetri quadrati dei maschi rispetto ai 184 delle femmine per la superficie della base del primo metacarpo.