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v. jumped, jump·ing, jumps
a. To propel oneself upward or over a distance in single quick motion or series of such motions.
b. To move suddenly and in one motion: jumped out of bed.
c. To move involuntarily, as in surprise: jumped when the phone rang.
d. To parachute from an aircraft.
a. Informal To act quickly; hustle: Jump when I give you an order.
b. To take prompt advantage; respond quickly: jump at a bargain.
a. To enter eagerly into an activity; plunge: jumped into the race for the nomination.
b. To begin or start. Often used with off: The project jumped off with great enthusiasm.
4. To form an opinion or judgment hastily: jump to conclusions.
5. To make a sudden verbal attack; lash out: jumped at me for being late.
a. To undergo a sudden and pronounced increase: Prices jumped in October.
b. To rise suddenly in position or rank: jumped over two others with more seniority.
7. To change discontinuously or after a short period: jumps from one subject to another; jumped from one job to another.
a. To be displaced by a sudden jerk: The phonograph needle jumped.
b. To be displaced vertically or laterally because of improper alignment: The film jumped during projection.
9. Computers To move from one set of instructions in a program to another out of sequence.
10. Games
a. To move over an opponent's playing piece in a board game.
b. To make a jump bid in bridge.
11. Slang To be lively; bustle: a disco that really jumps.
1. To leap over or across: jump a fence.
2. To leap onto: jump a bus.
3. Slang To spring upon in sudden attack; assault or ambush: Muggers jumped him in the park.
4. To move or start prematurely before: jumped the starting signal.
5. To cause to leap: jump a horse over a fence.
6. To cause to increase suddenly: shortages that jumped milk prices by several cents.
7. To pass over; skip: The typewriter jumped a space.
8. To raise in rank or position; promote.
9. Games
a. To move a piece over (an opponent's piece) in a board game, often thereby capturing the opponent's piece.
b. To raise (a partner's bid) in bridge by more than is necessary.
10. To jump-start (a motor vehicle).
11. To leave (a course), especially through mishap: The train jumped the rails.
12. Slang
a. To leave hastily; skip: jumped town a step ahead of the police.
b. To leave (an organization, for example) suddenly or in violation of an agreement: jumped the team and signed with a rival club.
13. To seize or occupy illegally: jump a mining claim.
14. Vulgar Slang To have sexual intercourse with.
a. The act of jumping; a leap.
b. The distance covered by a jump: a jump of seven feet.
c. An obstacle or span to be jumped.
d. A structure or course from which a jump is made: built a jump out of snow.
2. A descent from an aircraft by parachute.
3. Sports Any of several track-and-field events in which contestants jump.
4. Informal
a. An initial competitive advantage; a head start: got the jump on the other newspapers.
b. Energy or quickness: "We got off to a slow start. We didn't have any jump, and when we did get things going, we were too far behind" (John LeClair).
a. A sudden pronounced rise, as in price or salary.
b. An impressive promotion.
6. A step or level: managed to stay a jump ahead.
7. A sudden or major transition, as from one career or subject to another.
a. A short trip.
b. One in a series of moves and stopovers, as with a circus or road show.
9. Games A move in a board game over an opponent's piece.
10. Computers A movement from one set of instructions to another.
a. An involuntary nervous movement; a start.
b. jumps A condition of nervousness. Often used with the.
12. A jump-start of a motor vehicle.
13. Vulgar Slang An act of sexual intercourse.
Phrasal Verb:
jump out
To be readily noticed: The misspellings jumped out at me.
jump bail
To fail to appear in court after having been released on bail.
jump (someone's) bones Vulgar Slang
To have sexual intercourse with someone.
jump the gun
To start doing something too soon.
jump the shark
To undergo a sustained decline in quality or popularity.
jump through hoops
To make extraordinary efforts, especially in following a prescribed procedure.

[Early Modern English, perhaps imitative of the sound of feet hitting with the ground after jumping. Idiom, jump the shark, after a 1977 episode of the television series Happy Days in which the character Arthur "the Fonz" Fonzarelli makes a show of bravery by jumping over a shark while on water skis (considered as an improbable and absurd plot incident marking the moment at which the series began to decline).]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




  1. Bouncing from foot to foot like a child in need of a potty —Joan Hess
  2. Flapping and jumping like a kind of fire —Richard Wilbur
  3. Hop about like mice on tiptoe —Alistair Cooke, New York Times, January 19, 1986

    Cooke’s comparison describes how a speaker’s eyes move back and forth between viewer and teleprompter.

  4. Hopping about like a pea in a saucepan —Robert Graves
  5. Hopping like a shot putter —Pat Conroy
  6. Jogging up and down like a cheerleader —T. Coraghessan Boyle
  7. Jumped about like sailors during a storm —O. Henry
  8. (Mrs. Brady’s mind, hopefully calculating the tip,) jumped and jumped again like a taxi meter —Katherine Bush In a short story entitled The Night Club, the character with the jumping mind is a rest room matron.
  9. Jumped as though he’d been shot —Katherine Mansfield
  10. Jumped back as if he’d been struck by a snake —T. Coraghessan Boyle
  11. Jumped like a buoy —William Goyen
  12. Jumped like she’d seen a vampire —Dan Wakefield
  13. Jumped like small goats —Theodore Roethke
  14. Jumped on him like a wild wolf —Clifford Odets
  15. Jumped out of the way like an infielder avoiding a sliding runner —Howard Frank Mosher
  16. Jumped sideways like a startled bird —Jay Parini
  17. Jumped up as if stung by a tarantula —Sholem Asch
  18. Jumped up like I was sitting on a spring —W. P. Kinsella
  19. Jumping up and down like Jack-in-the-boxes —Barbara Pym
  20. Jumping like a toad —Ross Macdonald
  21. Jumping like Nijinsky —Saul Bellow
  22. Jumping up like a squirrel from behind the log —Rudyard Kipling
  23. Jump [with shock] like a flea on a frog’s back —Walter Duranty
  24. Jump like a chimp with a hot foot —Anon comment on radio show, about people doing Jane Fonda workout routines, December 10, 1986
  25. Skipping (up the stairs) like a young ghost —Frank Swinnerton
Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Form of Nordic skiing in which competitors take off from a specially constructed hill; each jumps twice to try for the greatest distance.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.jumping - the act of participating in an athletic competition in which you must jumpjumping - the act of participating in an athletic competition in which you must jump
track and field - participating in athletic sports performed on a running track or on the field associated with it
broad jump, long jump - the act of jumping as far as possible from a running start
high jump - the act of jumping as high as possible over a horizontal bar
2.jumping - the act of jumping; propelling yourself off the ground; "he advanced in a series of jumps"; "the jumping was unexpected"
actuation, propulsion - the act of propelling
header - a headlong jump (or fall); "he took a header into the shrubbery"
hop - the act of hopping; jumping upward or forward (especially on one foot)
leap, leaping, bounce, bound, saltation, spring - a light, self-propelled movement upwards or forwards
hurdle, vault - the act of jumping over an obstacle
jumping up and down - jumping in one spot (as in excitement); "the wailing and jumping up and down exhausted him"
capriole - (dressage) a vertical jump of a trained horse with a kick of the hind legs at the top of the jump
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


A. N (Sport) → pruebas fpl de salto
B. CPD jumping bean Njudía f saltadora, fríjol m saltador
jumping jack N (= firework) → buscapiés m inv; (= puppet) muñeco que se acciona tirando de un hilo
jumping rope N (US) → comba f, cuerda f de saltar
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in periodicals archive ?
Tangy sheep's milk cheese, jumpingly tasty baby tomatoes, olives, and thick, sweet sun-dried tomato paste with Maltese bread brought some sunshine to my rainy-day stop.