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(Anatomy) anatomy the lower throat
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For both the invasive and noninvasive PWVao calculation, the distance from the sternal notch (jugulum) to the upper edge of the pubic bone (symphysis) is used because this provides the nearest value of the true aortic path length [14, 15].
(b) Coronal multiplanar reconstruction image showing a partially quite tortuous u-shape horizontal-transverse midline vein in the jugulum (dotted ellipse), the AJVS with the JVA.
The authors have chosen to use the Mahalanobis-Taguchi System (MTS) (Taguchi & Jugulum, 2002) analysis technique for this proof-of-concept trial.
The NIGHT-Recorder was fastened with Velcro bands and worn above the nightclothes at the sternum about 5 cm below the jugulum, chosen because it is a rigid body structure close to the center of mass and to reduce artifacts caused by arm movements.
The pattern continues in other Discworld novels, notably those involving Granny Weatherwax, who repeatedly finds herself in straight-faced moral debates in supernatural spaces about which few jokes can be imagined, much less told (Witches Abroad 275-77; Carpe Jugulum 183-86).
For Guisborough Theatre Group are preparing to stage Carpe Jugulum adapted from Terry Pratchett's Discworld favourite.
The position of the balloon was readjusted while controlling the descending aorta manually before closing sternum; the saphenous vein graft with the IABP catheter is brought out the upper end of the sternotomy incision (above jugulum) and secured to the skin with a heavy ligature.
Well that has to be Carpe Jugulum. it was entirely funded through sponsorships and fundraisers which meant we were able to give 100% of ticket sales to Alzheimer's Research UK.
CARDIFF: The Gate (029 2048 3344), Carpe Jugulum. 7pm.