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adj. smooth·er, smooth·est
a. Having a surface free from irregularities, roughness, or projections; even. See Synonyms at level.
b. Free from waves or disturbances; calm: The lake is smooth today.
a. Free from hair, whiskers, or stubble: felt his smooth cheek after the close shave.
b. Having a short dense flat coat. Used of dogs.
a. Having a fine texture: a smooth fabric.
b. Having an even consistency: a smooth pudding.
c. Having an even or gentle motion or movement: a smooth ride.
4. Having no obstructions or difficulties: a smooth operation; a smooth trip.
5. Easy-going; serene: a smooth temperament.
6. Not sharp or bitter in taste: a smooth wine.
7. Delicately pleasing to the ear; not harsh or grating: a smooth voice.
8. Ingratiatingly polite and agreeable: known for his smooth remarks.
v. smoothed, smooth·ing, smoothes
1. To make (something) even, level, or unwrinkled: smoothed the fabric with an iron.
2. To rid of obstructions, hindrances, or difficulties: a real estate agent who smoothed the process of applying for a mortgage.
3. To soothe or tranquilize; make calm: The president tried to smooth over the hurt feelings of the disputing factions.
4. To cause to appear less harsh or severe than is the case: Don't try to smooth over their faults.
To become smooth.
1. The act of smoothing.
2. A smooth surface or part.

[Middle English smothe, from Old English smōth.]

smooth′er n.
smooth′ly adv.
smooth′ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.smoother - a power tool used for sanding woodsmoother - a power tool used for sanding wood; an endless loop of sandpaper is moved at high speed by an electric motor
electric motor - a motor that converts electricity to mechanical work
power tool - a tool driven by a motor
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
Nothing can be straighter and smoother than a Surrey road--when it is on the king's business; then it is a high-road and behaves accordingly: but a Surrey bye-road is the most whimsical companion in the world.
The first seven hundred miles a level continent, its grassy carpet greener and softer and smoother than any sea and figured with designs fitted to its magnitude--the shadows of the clouds.
The road would be none the smoother for it, the end would be none the better for it, he would not be helped, nor I extenuated.
And the Tremolino, in a fierce breeze and in much smoother water, swung on easily under her one sail, with something appallingly careless in the joyous freedom of her motion.
Having happily accomplished these difficult portages, the party, on the 19th of July, arrived at a smoother part of the river, and pursued their way up the stream with greater speed and facility.
There was never, perhaps, a time when, on paper, things had seemed smoother, when the distant mutterings of disaster were less audible.
He laughed at his bronzed face in the glass at the thought that it was once as white as the underside of his arm; nor did he dream that in the world there were few pale spirits of women who could boast fairer or smoother skins than he - fairer than where he had escaped the ravages of the sun.
'I know nothing about you - I speak of those I do know - and when I see the whole race of mankind (with a few rare exceptions) stumbling and blundering along the path of life, sinking into every pitfall, and breaking their shins over every impediment that lies in their way, shall I not use all the means in my power to insure for him a smoother and a safer passage?'
But there was the sun shining and there were the birds singing, as the sun only shines and the birds only sing on holidays and half-holidays; there were the trees waving to all free boys to climb and nestle among their leafy branches; the hay, entreating them to come and scatter it to the pure air; the green corn, gently beckoning towards wood and stream; the smooth ground, rendered smoother still by blending lights and shadows, inviting to runs and leaps, and long walks God knows whither.
Laurie had vanished round the bend, Jo was just at the turn, and Amy, far behind, striking out toward the the smoother ice in the middle of the river.
I remember when I was at Lilliput, the complexion of those diminutive people appeared to me the fairest in the world; and talking upon this subject with a person of learning there, who was an intimate friend of mine, he said that my face appeared much fairer and smoother when he looked on me from the ground, than it did upon a nearer view, when I took him up in my hand, and brought him close, which he confessed was at first a very shocking sight.
Matthew, and Lisbeth had been standing close by him for some minutes, stroking his hair, which was smoother than usual this morning, and looking down at the large page with silent wonderment at the mystery of letters.