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1. a drain
2. (Clothing & Fashion) US a groove (in a tyre or shoe sole) for draining water and improving traction
3. (Automotive Engineering) US a groove (in a tyre or shoe sole) for draining water and improving traction
vb (intr)
dialect Scot (of water, liquid, etc) to soak; to filter through
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
The sipes disperse the water more efficiently, delivering a safer drive.
After Sipes finished speaking, action was taken on the motion made and on a roll-call vote of 6 to 2, with Jerry Jordan and Ron Miles again casting the no votes.
Sipes has spent more than 16 years providing strategic advisory and corporate financial services, including mergers, acquisitions, leveraged buyouts, recapitalizations, and equity and debt financings.
When Heidi Sipe, superintendent of Oregon's poor, rural Umatilla School District, asks her elementary-age students what they want to be when they grow up, she no longer gets the answers she once did: football player, firefighter, nurse.
In their new roles, Calcagnini will focus on healthcare, pharmaceuticals, life sciences, and medical devices, while Sipes will concentrate on the technology, media and telecom (TMT) sectors.
The key to their improved traction on wet and ice-covered surfaces is the sipes which provide hundreds of extra 'edges' to grip the road as the wheel rotates.
Cider was among the nation's most popular alcoholic beverages in Colonial times, Sipes says, thanks to the greater prevalence of apple trees back then.
Acquiring smaller, founder-driven companies offers mutual benefits for seller and buyer," said Sipes.
Analyzing many American roads throughout the country with black and white photography throughout, authors James & Matthew Sipes offer their insightful combination analysis of which methods have worked and which have performed up to expectation, and what can be done for a better and more environmentally sound infrastructure in the future.
James Sipes, a landscape architect and environmental planner, and Matthew Sipes, a civil engineer, advocate an approach to road design that integrates cultural, natural, and visual resources into the design and planning of economically viable transportation.
Supply of Sipes branded and other paints in different colors.