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(Logic) formal a conclusion that follows from the premises
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References in classic literature ?
It's all one and the same; for every man who curses the cloth would curse the king if he durst; so for matter o' that, it's all one and the same thing."--"Excuse me there, Mr Serjeant," quoth Partridge, "that's a non sequitur ."--"None of your outlandish linguo," answered the serjeant, leaping from his seat; "I will not sit still and hear the cloth abused."--"You mistake me, friend," cries Partridge.
Alfred scolds me, every time we meet; and he has the better of me, I grant,--for he really does something; his life is a logical result of his opinions and mine is a contemptible non sequitur."
14 June 2019 - US-based independent energy company Callon Petroleum Company (NYSE: CPE) has closed on the sale of non-core assets in the southern Midland Basin to Sequitur Permian, LLC for net cash proceeds of USD 245m, the company said.
The Congress leader further said, "There's a word in English called sequitur, and the opposite of it is non sequitur.
In all honesty]") or throws in an abrupt non sequitur ("[Carelessness is in]")--although one would be hard-pressed to say what is and isn't non sequitur here, or to divide the text into the categories of words thought and words spoken.
And it's a total non sequitur deriving "digital fatigue" from the rise of ad blocking.
Is his scaremongering aimed at frightening us into becoming 'Remainians' - it's a complete non sequitur.
MEP has executed agreements with Burk Royalty Co., LTD and SEM Operating Company LLC, a subsidiary of Sequitur Energy Resources LLC, to construct, own and operate the Ghost Chili Lateral pipeline and associated facilities in Houston County, TX.
In Nadine Epstein's "From the Editor" column (January/February 2015), she writes of Rabbi Barry FreundeFs arrest because of his "inappropriate behavior with conversion candidates." That she then goes on to say that this is what prompted the magazine to "Ask the Rabbis" the question, "How do you decide when a candidate is ready for conversion?" strikes me as a non sequitur. What we should be asking is why is a prominent rabbi able to use a mikvah as an excuse to exhibit these inappropriate and shameful behaviors?
What is the meaning of the Latin term non sequitur? 6.
The comment was a typical non sequitur by Rafsanjani.