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n, pl -dis
(Currencies) any of various Spanish coins of copper or gold
[C15: from Spanish, from Arabic Murābitīn (plural of murābit marabout), the Moorish dynasty in Córdoba, 1087–1147]
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References in classic literature ?
He replied that he meant to go in search of this clown and chastise him for such iniquitous conduct, and see Andres paid to the last maravedi, despite and in the teeth of all the clowns in the world.
``Good Jew good beast good earthworm!'' said the yeoman, losing patience; ``an thou dost go on to put thy filthy lucre in the balance with thy daughter's life and honour, by Heaven, I will strip thee of every maravedi thou hast in the world, before three days are out!''
I would not have given ten maravedi for my head when those children of the devil were pushing us against the wall.
Covarrubias e autor de importante estudo sobre as oscilacoes do poder aquisitivo do maravedi, fato que lhe permitiu analisar e apresentar, pioneiramente, questoes e elementos de teoria monetaria, que serviram de fonte as analises e as conclusoes doutrinarias de Martin de Azpilcueta e Juan de Mariana, entre outros, sobre a teoria quantitativa da moeda.
What should I say about our own maravedi, once gold, not so long ago silver, and now completely copper?
Los dos bandos expresa la parte punitiva en maravedies, lo que demuestra ser una copia literal de las leyes generales, pues el maravedi no era moneda de uso ni de cuenta en America.