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in a feisty manner
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The desire or passion to perform has to be really strong, because there will be many disappointments and rejections along the way, so only the feistily determined kids won't give up.
However, while on the one hand consciously and quite feistily trying to metabolize the projections, unconsciously the therapists were nudged in the direction of self-doubt and self-criticism and took on the projections:
The rapport between the two is courteous and playful in the film, as Michelle feistily keeps her date at arm's length while he uses charm to bring her guard down.
Carver was in fighting form yesterday afternoon and if his team was able to perform as feistily as he does at his press calls, hey would perhaps have a better chance of climbing the table.
Carver was in fighting form on Wednesday afternoon and if his team were able to perform as feistily as he does at his press calls, they would perhaps have a better chance of climbing the table.
Wasting little time in proving his potential, King fought his way feistily through into sixth in an eventful opening encounter.
After all these and other factors were accounted for, we still had to credit the feistily independent and savvy leaders of the women's organizations and networks, who had managed to come together, seize the opportunity, and update the causing mechanism so that it worked on an unprecedented scale.
Feistily defiant, she is deeply concerned for her own and her unborn child's future, sunk in the tribe's abject poverty- stricken conditions.
In response to his "supposed" comment, "God can't recreate someone like Fairuz," she feistily replied "When you speak about The Lord, speak with politeness."
The Remembrance Line group, who are feistily campaigning to preserve Folkestone Harbour branchline in Kent, also wants to launch a vintage cross-channel service.
And who could have predicted that those islands of deep-seated poverty would over time develop their own feistily independent subcultures, wary of outside influences and stubbornly resistant to change?