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v. ex·pired, ex·pir·ing, ex·pires
1. To come to an end; terminate: My membership in the club has expired.
2. To breathe one's last breath; die: The patient expired early this morning.
3. To exhale; breathe out.
1. To breathe (something) out.
2. Archaic To give (something) off.

[Middle English expiren, from Old French expirer, from Latin exspīrāre : ex-, ex- + spīrāre, to breathe.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.expired - having come to an end or become void after passage of a period of time; "an expired passport"; "caught driving with an expired license"
unexpired - not having come to an end or been terminated by passage of time; "elected to fill the senator's unexpired term"; "an unexpired driver's license"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
He expired at his own house, on the fourth of the present month.
Thirdly, that the time (six months from the date of your husband's death) expired on the third of this month.
Yet I shall never hear what he says, for I shall have expired where I sit--expired of mere shame at the thought of having been thus exposed.
The type of rudder is unaffected by the new rules, so we may expect to see the Long-Davidson make (the patent on which has just expired) come largely into use henceforward, though the strain on the sternpost in turning at speeds over forty miles an hour is admittedly very severe.
All- all expired save thee- save less than thou: Save only the divine light in thine eyes- Save but the soul in thine uplifted eyes.
Suddenly the single remaining flame crouched for a moment, then, springing upward, lifted itself clear of its embers and expired in air.
The Londoner seldom understands his city until it sweeps him, too, away from his moorings, and Margaret's eyes were not opened until the lease of Wickham Place expired. She had always known that it must expire, but the knowledge only became vivid about nine months before the event.
On the 10th, the term for which the late Lord Montbarry had hired the Venetian palace, expired. News by telegram reached the insurance offices that Lady Montbarry had been advised by her lawyers to leave for London with as little delay as possible.
There was no reply, and an officer putting his head in at the door of the guard-tent where the conversation had occurred, explained that the time allowed for the interview had expired. The next morning, when in the presence of the whole brigade Private Greene was shot to death by a squad of his comrades, Lieutenant Dudley turned his back upon the sorry performance and muttered a prayer for mercy, in which himself was included.
When her term of mourning had expired, Madeline gave her hand and fortune to Nicholas; and, on the same day and at the same time, Kate became Mrs Frank Cheeryble.
Spada died on the threshold of the vineyard; the nephew expired at his own door, making signs which his wife could not comprehend.
But I endure the time, till which expired Thou hast permission on me.