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Related to broodily: broodiness, broodier


in a broody manner
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References in periodicals archive ?
Sanditon version: brooding bad boy Sydney Parker, played broodily by Theo James.
The track is accompanied by a music video on Anghami, where the five boys broodily go about their daily lives, from one driving down an open road to another writing in a cafe, and a third playing his guitar to himself at home.
Please give the man a woman quick - but NOT that awful new nanny - so we can see him doing what he broodily does best, and preferably shirtless.
As I looked up, I saw him put our furry Dunelm throw around his shoulders and, channelling Jon Snow looking out broodily over the Castle Black battlements, he declared: "Winter is coming."
Soules is also shown striding through a snow-covered field, staring broodily into the distance like an agrarian Mr.
"Novik easily delivers several modes of wish-fulfillment through narrative here: One chapter after Agnieszka is granted the full Harry Potter/Katniss Everdeen experience, leaving her mundane life behind for the extraordinary, she's immediately delivered into a Belle/Jane Eyre situation as she's forced to share a nearly inescapable tower with the remote but broodily alluring Dragon.
And the all-important steelworks continue to broodily dominate the Redcar landscape, with about 2,000 staff now employed but its Thai owners SSI warning that a "difficult start" to 2015 will delay its return to profit.
The atmosphere is broodily dark with Baker (James Corden) and his wife (Emily Blunt) hit by a childless curse that might only be lifted if they can get the items ordered by the Witch.
Neeson Wilde Not very much, I suspect, with the cast sombrely delivering lines about trust, human frailty and the horrors of relationships while starring broodily into the middle distance.
Not very much, I suspect, with the cast sombrely delivering lines about trust and frailty while starring broodily into the middle distance.
In one he can be seen staring broodily at the camera as he meditates on the ways of the world and one, undisputable, inescapable true love.