
(redirected from AGERS)
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euphemism Someone who is elderly, often a retiree. I plan to live somewhere warm by the time I'm a golden-ager. Yep, my aunt was widowed in her 50s and just remarried as a golden-ager. She's an inspiration! You need to save now so you have money for your retirement—unless you plan on working as a golden-ager!
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.


n. an old person; a senior citizen. When I’m a golden-ager, I’m going to have a part-time job.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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"(Solo agers) need to be thinking about how to stay safe and happy and satisfied with their life and connected throughout their life," she says.
Without this paperwork, solo agers could become wards of the court with strangers making decisions for them, Geber says.
"Many scientists study what's wrong with the brain, but maybe we can ultimately help Alzheimer's patients by figuring out what goes right in the brain of Super Agers. What we learn from these healthy brains may inform our strategies for improving quality of life for the elderly and for combating Alzheimer's disease."
We are less likely to consider what is called 'successful aging.' This study did just that by examining people over age 80 that were deemed 'Super Agers.' The researchers discovered that these successful octogenarians had especially thick gray matter (meaning more nerve cells) in the cerebral cortex.
Tacey spells out the problems of the New Agers both in general terms as a social/religious movement, and in terms of what Jung would tell them they are currently neglecting to remember.
New Agers are described as being more likely to divorce the individual from the daily personal responsibility of an ethical life, instead chasing Joseph Campbell's nostrum of `follow your bliss'.
They can't ticket the wheel builders, as they would vandals, because the New Agers are claiming the protection of religious freedom.
5) The Golden Ager finds his or her restful slumber is often interrupted by necessary trips to the bathroom.
going back to school, which is probably the third most hostile environment on Earth after the deep ocean and Everest." "I wouldn't be surprised to hear about a few New Agers going postal--gunning down everyone in their yoga center or whatever." It's absolutely impossible to summarize this plot.
New Agers freely borrowed and appropriated from a variety of traditions, and in turn invented their own.
She was a member of the Barre Womens Club, the Senior Bowling League, the Barre Golden Agers, and the Hubbardston Golden Agers.
While Pioneers 10 and 11 and Voy agers 1 and 2 were in the powerful field of Jupiter, for example, their electronic circuits produced some incorrect photo details and their computer memories suffered altered settings.
CHESHUNT, England -- Fifteen years have passed since Tesco secretary Rowley Ager joined the company.