
(redirected from xystos)
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(zɪst) ,




1. (Architecture) a long portico, esp one used in ancient Greece for athletics
2. (Architecture) (in ancient Rome) a covered garden walk or one lined with trees
[C17: from Latin xystus, from Greek xustos, literally: smoothed, polished (area), from xuein to scrape, make smooth]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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In 2004 he added a pounds 4m wholesale division, Xystos, to the mix, which has allowed Collectables to introduce 45 new lines and sell to retail multiples all over the UK.
Collectables stores turned over pounds 12m in 2008 and the company's total turnover for the year came in at pounds 19m, including its Blaydon distribution arm Xystos and rents from its two retail park holdings on Teesside.
Entre os principais argumentos, estao a area central do complexo, que lembra o espaco de uma palestra, a area coberta da Estoa Media, que se assemelha a estrutura de um xystos (pista coberta), a disposicao dos espacos no edificio Leste, que indicariam uma selecao da entrada em funcao da estrutura tribal, e a existencia de facilidades hidricas, como uma pequena fonte da Estoa Sul II e a grande Fonte Sudoeste.