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a unit of weight measuring a quarter of a troy ounce
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References in periodicals archive ?
It is named after a former constellation called "Quadrans Muralis".
Named after the now-defunct constellation Quadrans Muralis, the Quadrantid meteor shower is one of only two major meteor showers not originating from a comet - the other being the Geminids in December.
The Quadrantids is an "above average" meteor shower, producing up to 120, 41km per second meteors an hour, and originating from a former constellation called Quadrans Muralis.
The shower owes its name to the now-defunct constellation, Quadrans Muralis.
Il est delicat d'attribuer le quadrans de Contoutos de couvert dans le sondage 2015/1.1 a cet horizon ou a un contexte anterieur.
The Quadrantid meteor shower, taking its name from extinct constellation Quadrans Muralis, appears to radiate between the area of Ursa Major (Big Bear) and the Bootes (Herdsman) constellations, according to Mendoza.
The shower's radiant is in the obsolete constellation Quadrans Muralis (the mural quadrant), off the handle of the Big Dipper between the head of Bootes and the arched back of Draco.
(An exception is the Quadrantid shower of early January, named for the defunct constellation Quadrans Muralis, now part of Bootes.) The -id is a Latin ending that means "in the family of."
For, as we know, any Jew--whatever his station in society--who would deliver another Jew to the Romans for execution would be considered a traitor, and his life would not be worth a sestertius, not even a quadrans."